Young Adults

18 to 24

Tuesdays | 6:30 – 8PM
Stoney Point Campus

If you’re age 18 to 24, come join our community of young adults every Tuesday! Doors open at 6PM and group time starts at 6:30. Whether you’re in school, in the workforce, or somewhere in between, we want to get to know you. Come check it out, bring your friends, and make new ones!

Young Adults

1st Monday of the month | 6 – 8PM
Marion Campus | Youth Room

Young Adult Groups! We want to engage with new young adults and invite them to jump into the Young Adult Groups that are already meeting throughout the week. These groups meet the first Monday of each month at the Marion Campus as a large group (no childcare provided). This is a great launching point for young adults to become actively engaged in the Antioch community and practice opening the Word together. Questions?- Please reach out to Aaron at

Young Adults